Latest news and information from ETher NDE
Successful Training Workshops for the ETi-200 & WeldCheck in Asia

November 2013
John Hansen and Mike Reilly hosted an ETi-200 and WeldCheck two day training session in Malaysia in conjunction with our Malaysian and Indonesian distributors.
Back to Back Expos for ETher NDE this November

November 2013
It has been a very busy November for ETher NDE so far with three different exhibitions on three different continents in as many weeks.
WeldCheck Launch Picks Up Pace

October 2013
The BINDT Materials Testing Exhibition 2013 at Telford saw the official launch of the WeldCheck Eddy Current Flaw Detector and since then we have been delighted to see the news of a new ECT Flaw Detector travel fast.
ETher NDE Welcomes Gath Cheyne to the Team

September 2013
Following the launch of the new “WeldCheck” Product Range, Ether NDE is expanding the Commercial Team.