Leads / Adapters
We understand that the adaptors and leads that accompany your Eddy Current (ECT) equipment and Eddy Current (EC) probes are as important as the instruments themselves.
Our range of Adaptors and Leads work in conjunction with GE / Hocking, Zetec, Nortec / Stavely, Rohmann, Foerster and Magnaflux.

If you have a specific question that you need to ask regarding Adaptors and Leads, please do not hesitate to get in touch by contacting us via
Download our Probe Catalogue
Leads (AL)
Leads come as standard in a 1.5m cable length. Other lengths available on request so please feel free to ask.
Weld/Aero/ETherCheck, Victor2.2D:
Weld/Aero/ETher/Phase/Rail/AMCheck, Victor2.2D, Hocking Phasec2200/D60/D62, Phasec 3d, Phasec 2d, Phasec 2s, Locator 3:
Hocking Phasec/Quick Check:
BNC (Cable Type RG174):
Hocking Locator 2, Locator 2s:
ETher/Hocking Mini Drive (Lemo 12-Way):
Lead Adaptors (AA)
Adaptors come as standard in a 150mm length. Other lengths available on request so please feel free to ask.