Power Generation

A global industry including the Nuclear, Fossil Fuel, and Green Alternative Energy sectors, where safety and minimising downtime is critical.
Currently, there are 440 nuclear reactors in operation in some 30 countries around the world and the UK alone generates 20% of its electricity from a nuclear source (2020) rendering Nuclear a critical sector not only as a supplier of energy but also for employees, society and the environment at large. Regular inspections and stringent adherence to testing standards can significantly reduce or even eliminate the likelihood of a major accident, where the large, if not global, scale of consequences can be severe.
NDT Applications include:
- Wall Thickness Assessment
- Crack Detection
- Corrosion Detection
- Tube Inspection
- Weld Inspection
- Heat Exchanger Inspection
Fossil Fuel
The core driver of NDT applications throughout the energy and power industry is to ensure the safety and integrity; core areas of focus are reliability of plant equipment, such as pressure vessels, boilers, heat exchangers, turbines, pipework, and pipelines to meet regulatory standards and to deliver inspection results and data inline with asset owners maintenance and inspection plans.
NDT Applications include:
- Crack Detection
- Material Sorting
- Tube Inspection
- Weld Inspection
- Hole Inspection
- Turbine Inspection (Blade and Root)
Alternative Energy
The renewable energy industry is continuously growing, especially with the increased integration of renewable solutions in other industries and domestically. This growth naturally poses additional compliance and security challenges. These challenges involve specific methods of non-destructive testing, equipment and probes, adapted to the new materials in use, such as fibreglass, and complex geometry structures e.g. wind turbine blades
NDT Applications include:
- Surface crack detection
- Corrosion detection (wind towers)
- Structural Health monitoring
- Material Verification (Climate damage)
- Composite material inspection
Application Notes: