Calibration & Repair

In response to overwhelming customer demand ETher NDE now offer Calibration and Service, based at our head office in St Albans, UK.
Maintenance of your inspection equipment to always be at peak performance is key to delivering impeccable inspection results. To ensure optimum performance of your instruments, we recommend calibration should be conducted annually. ETher’s Service and calibration team are trained to follow specific procedures and standards.
The calibration service is applicable for all types of eddy current instrumentation and is based on the standard EN ISO 15548-3:2008 Non-destructive testing Equipment for eddy current examination - Part 3: System characteristics and verification but modified to take account of newer digital instruments.
Minimise downtime, ensure reliability.
ETher NDE Instruments
Additionally, when you purchase a new eddy current instrument from Ether NDE we offer an industry-leading warranty, which can be extended by two or three years, depending on the equipment purchased, enhancing the support we give during the lifecycle of your product and its use.
If you have calibration and Repair enquiry we able to assist you with please get in touch with us via