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Ether NDE are proud to release the new AeroCheck 3

Ether NDE are proud to release the new AeroCheck 3

May 2024

The new AeroCheck 3 delivers advanced NDT inspection features “at the turn of a wheel”.

Based on operator feedback and embracing the use of new materials, the AeroCheck 3 delivers to the end-user enhanced ruggedness, a toughened screen, improved connector access and performance, IP68 “top-face” connectors access, combined with optional features such as an encoder wheel. The AeroCheck 3 upholds the heritage of the established AeroCheck Series and delivers the best in Eddy Current performance, with rotary inspection capabilities as standard, together with variety of advanced features.


New WeldCheck 3 featured on the recent front cover of the European edition of Insight.

New WeldCheck 3 featured on the recent front cover of the European edition of Insight.

January 2024

New Weldcheck 3 release features on the Insight, the official journal of BINDT, front cover.