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Everything Eddy Current



Latest news and information from ETher NDE

ETher NDE collaborate on the Innovate UK project for the Eddy current inspection of carbon fibre.

ETher NDE collaborate on the Innovate UK project for the Eddy current inspection of carbon fibre.

December 2021

"CFlux" is a project for the Eddy current inspection of Carbon fibre raw materials and cured parts in the Aerospace industry.


Restructure & Mezzanine Project making swift progress.

October 2021

September 2021 sees the start of new facility development at Ether NDE


13th ECNDT now moved to 2023 - ETher NDE are proud to confirm joint Platinum Sponsorship for the 13th ECNDT

13th ECNDT now moved to 2023 - ETher NDE are proud to confirm joint Platinum Sponsorship for the 13th ECNDT

July 2021

New dates now set for the 13th ECNDT, 3rd - 7th July, 2023. ETher NDE are looking forward to summer 2023 and confirm that we will be joint Platinum Sponsors, along with Baugh & Weedon Ltd, for the 13th European Congress of NDT (ECNDT) in Lisbon, Portugal.


Announcing the New ETi-300 Advanced Flaw Detector

Announcing the New ETi-300 Advanced Flaw Detector

June 2021

ETher NDE brings to market an innovative end-to-end Tube inspection Solution, with the new ETi-300 advanced flaw detector, boosted by two new software packages.