Latest news and information from ETher NDE
Ether NDE Closed on Monday September 19th, 2022
September 2022
Our office will be closed on Monday September 19th, to honour the funeral and pay our respect to the late Queen Elizabeth II. Rest in Peace.
Visit us at Materials Testing 2022, the UK's leading NDT Event.
August 2022
September 2022 sees the return of the UK NDT sector’s flagship event "Materials Testing 2022" delivering a first class platform in Telford to meet industry colleagues and discover new and cutting edge inspection technologies.
Ether NDE are proud to announce that we are now an ISO 14001 company.

April 2022
Ether NDE are delighted to announce we have been awarded ISO 14001:2015 certification, the International Standard for environmental management; supporting organisations to reduce environmental impact, focussing businesses to effectively manage the environmental challenges of the future .