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Latest news and information from ETher NDE

Announcing the New ETi-300 Advanced Flaw Detector

Announcing the New ETi-300 Advanced Flaw Detector

June 2021

ETher NDE brings to market an innovative end-to-end Tube inspection Solution, with the new ETi-300 advanced flaw detector, boosted by two new software packages.


Successful “green” steps taken towards achieving Environmental Management ISO14001, with Internal Auditing team training

Successful “green” steps taken towards achieving Environmental Management ISO14001, with Internal Auditing team training

February 2021

Congratulations to our internal team for successfully completing the ISO14001 Environmental management Internal Auditor training, with NQA, as part of ETher NDE's goal of working towards meeting the ISO14001 standard in 2021. Our internal ISO 14001 team now include Nelly Fernandez, Ian Gough, Shamaiel Ahmed, Joanne Munns and Corinna Cuciureanu.


AMCheck the new advanced Eddy Current instrument developed for the Additive Manufacturing industry in mind

AMCheck the new advanced Eddy Current instrument developed for the Additive Manufacturing industry in mind

January 2021

ETher NDE are proud to start 2021 with a new advanced eddy current portable flaw detector on-board - the AmCheck. Designed and developed to with the Additive Manufacturing sector in mind introducing simplified C-Scanning options, together with a wide variety of options for working with scanners and encoders.


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